Hacking Windows XP (P2)

LogonUI NTFS Detected screen, which asks you to add another line to the boot.ini file so that your system will be set up for LogonUI to change your boot screens.

If you get an error the first time that you run LogonUI saying that the comctl32.ocx component cannot be found, download this file from the following URL, or any other site, and put it in the same folder as your application: www.belchfire.net/~userxp/comctl32.zip

3. Next, you may be prompted with a third configuration screen if you are running Windows XP Service Pack 1. The screen will say that it has detected Service Pack 1 installed and wants to know if you want LogonUI to work with older (nonService Pack 1) boot skins. Click Yes on this screen. When the application has started up, you are going to see the final configuration screen asking you where the folders on your computer are for your boot screens. This step is important, as you will need to specify the folder on