51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes

51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes
with jQuery and ASP.NET Controls

Suprotim AgarwalSuprotim Agarwal, an ASP.NET Architecture MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional), has been developing applications for over 10 years using Microsoft technologies. After working as a software engineer, manager, architect and a mentor, Suprotim now works as a Consultant to a large number of IT Firms, consulting them on implementing enterprise-level Microsoft solutions and other web-based applications. Not known to many, Suprotim also consults websites on Internet Marketing. Suprotim is also the founder and primary contributor to DotNetCurry, SQLServerCurry and DevCurry and has written over 700 articles and blog posts. When he is not churning out code, he spends his time checking out new gadgets, playing strategic video games and helps his wife (in eating) some